accessories + price revue

Whay else can you find in


Note- stands 


These note-stands are only selled in 
Germany or Argentina, sorry.

  Con adornos filigranos de estilo juventud,
construcciσn estabil de tres patas. Partes de metal: cobre. Madera dura tratado con aceite de rezina natural, despues lustrado con cera.
 ajustable en altura.
€ 165.-


Silk - shawl 
(Pure  silk !)

     Lyres are sensitve. They need to resound oftenly.  And they react  to delicate and harmless treatment with friendly tuning. With this silk shawl you protect  your lyre from abrupt temperature an humidity raise, otherwise it would react in an untuned mood.     

    Please place shawl with picture upwords in the case put the instrument on it and wrap it with the remaining.   
"David's Harp"   and for
Small  Sopran -lyre    
80  x 80 cm ...... 
  € 18.-

  for   Grand    Sopran - lyre  
100 x 100 cm  ..........   €  22.-


Tuning  keys

Size of "T", quadratic  .......   € 8.50
Size of  "L", small,  starshaped  8,  14 cm , ............................................     € 15.-
Size of  "L",  big, quadratic,    20 cm   ..............................................   €


====  F  ask for 2nd choices  ====

actual prizes in 2012

Door - lyre

25 x 18 cm, 5 tones

 Fine friendly  sounding welcome for all entering guests.  Pedagogical hint: children will avoid  slam the  door.
With fittings to adjust at (wooden) door  
€ 39.- 


of  lyres

"David's harp", 15 strings, incl.tuning key, 
without case .....................................
€ 230.-
" David's harp", pentatonic, with only 7 pentatonic strings,  incl.tuning key, without case.
€ 179.-
"David's-harp" incl tuning-key, including case and Play-Instruction-manual ....................  € 285.-
Wooden case, stuffed....................... 
€ 55.-
 Alltogether-Case, for
"David's harps"  
incl 1 tuning key ..........
€ 130.-    
  "Play Instruction Manual  for
"David's harp".
   (with 10 pentatonical songs, 10 folksongs and 
                    10 small music pieces )
€ 9.-            

steel string, tinned , particular .......   € -.90  
steel string, curled,  particular   ....    €  2.80   
  complete set * of 15 strings..........

*  The strings used for the "David's harp" are the same as used for the children's lyre  ("Kinderleier") of CHOROI (Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland). The strings for the tones f'-sharp, b-flat, and c"-sharp, (which don't exist in the "Kinderleier" of CHOROI), are identic with those of the tones f', a' and c'. In case of  ordering a complete set of strings from CHOROI, don't forget to order also these three strings aditional. According to the numeration of CHOROI these three strings have the number 9, n° 7 and n° 5.   


 Small Sopran Lyre, with tuning key, . .............425.-    
case, wooden, stuffed by corc ..............  
. .........  €  70.-
plastic case, strengthened by glass fiber, noble tissue, € 120.-
 steel string, tinned , particular  ............ 
        € 1.05
steel string, curled , particular............... 
        € 2.90
complete set of 27 strings..................  
        € 44.-
*  The strings used for the Small Sopran Lyre  are the same as used for the Small Sopran Lyre   CHOROI (Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Sitzerland).


 Grand Sopranlyre, incl tuning-key, 
(without case)  ...........................
  €  950.- 
plastic case, strengthened by glass fiber,
          stuffed with noble tissue,
      € 140.-

steel string,
tinned , particular .. 
€  1.20
steel string
, curled, particular ...  €
complete set
41 strings .........  € 88.-

*  The strings used for the
Grand Sopran Lyre are the same as used for the  CHOROI Solo-Lyre, Old Model (Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Sitzerland).